Considerations for Laying Drip Irrigation Tapes

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Drip irrigation tapes are essential tools in water-saving irrigation technology—drip irrigation, which has been widely adopted across China. To achieve optimal irrigation results, several considerations should be taken into account when laying drip irrigation tapes:

  1. Land Preparation: The land designated for drip irrigation equipment should be thoroughly prepared, free from roots, stones, and weeds. These debris items can puncture the drip tapes or lift the plastic film, causing water accumulation and creating a lens effect.
  2. Equipment Familiarization: Operators should carefully read the instructions for each component of the drip irrigation equipment and use precise methods to connect them.
  3. Proper Orientation: When laying drip irrigation tapes, ensure that the labyrinth side faces up (i.e., the side with embossed protrusions). Lay them flat under the film without twisting or laying them upside down.
  4. Protection during Installation: Once laid on the field, be cautious of farm machinery, implements, and other objects that may roll over, compress, or scrape against the pipes, to prevent damage and reduce their lifespan.
  5. Mechanical Installation: If using mechanical laying equipment, ensure that pulleys and rolling arrangements are equipped with bearings to facilitate smooth rolling without stretching the drip tapes, which could deform the labyrinth and affect water output.
  6. Shallow Burial: During installation, drip irrigation tapes can be lightly buried to prevent sunburn. Alternatively, a 1-millimeter-thick layer of soil can be spread over the tapes or the plastic film to shield against sunlight and prevent burning.
  7. Security Measures: After equipment installation, assign a dedicated person to manage and prevent unauthorized disassembly or tampering with valves.
  8. Immediate Water Supply: Once the system is installed, promptly supply water to the drip irrigation system to prevent aging of pipes and tapes due to exposure to sunlight and UV radiation.

By adhering to these considerations, the installation and operation of drip irrigation tapes can be optimized, ensuring efficient water usage and optimal crop growth.

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